De Ateliers 2021

Ali Akbar Mehta

Function: Transmedia artist, curator and researcher Country: India Visiting period: 12 - 16 October Visiting year: 2021 Part of De Ateliers 2021

Through a research-based practice, he creates immersive cyber archives that map narratives of history, memory, and identity, through multifocal lenses of violence, conflict, and trauma. Such archival mappings – as drawings, paintings, new media works, net-based projects, poems, essays, and theoretical texts, as well as performances both of bodies and networks – are rooted in datafeminist posthumanist critical theories of making visible hegemonic power relations and silenced historical materialism. His ongoing doctoral research titled, ‘Practicing Online Performativity: Constructing Politically Conscious Archives for the Future’, investigates (infra)structural and performative relations between online archives and its users through mediated interventions of Second Order Cybernetics, to create knowledge systems that outline a vibrant new political public sphere.

His work as performances, installations and talks have been exhibited in galleries and alternative spaces in India and Europe, most notably at Taide Museo ARTSI, Gallen-Kalela Museum, Ainola Museum, Visavuori Museum, Kiasma Contemporary Art Museum, Venice Biennale Research Pavillion, Mänttä Art Festival, ONOMA Summer Exhibition (Fiskars), Myymälä2, Third Space, and TAO Art Gallery, among others. Several of his projects, such as 256 Million Colours of Violence, Outsiders at WorkBallad of the Lost Utopian Meadow, and Central Park Archives, exist as permanent ongoing online projects.

He is a co-founder of the Museum of Impossible Forms, Helsinki, an anti-racist queer feminist project, and was its Co-Artistic Director (2018-2020). He currently serves on the boards of TKOK ry (2021-), Frame Contemporary Art Finland (2021-) and Kiila ry (2019-, chairperson 2021); a research member of the Cluster of Critical Artistic Research (CCARE); and a founding member of MAS. he is currently pursuing his Doctoral Research in the Contemporary Art Department at Aalto University, Helsinki, holds a BFA (Drawing & Painting) from Sir J.J. School of Art, Mumbai, and an MA (Visual Culture, Curating, and Contemporary Art) from Aalto University, Helsinki.