
Visit by Manuel Borja-Villel

Manuel Borja-Villel, one of the curators od the São Paulo Biennale, will take part in the Mondriaan Fund visitor’s programme to meet several artists. On Tuesday 21 February at 17:30 he will give a public talk at Melly, Rotterdam.

The 35th edition of the Bienal de São Paulo, set for 2023, will have 4 curators: Manuel Borja-Villel (art historian), Grada Kilomba (multidisciplinary artist, writer and theorist), Diane Lima (independent curator, writer and researcher) and Hélio Menezes (anthropologist, critic and researcher). They will develop the curatorial work of the event in a decentralized manner.

“The collective talents of these individuals have the potential to generate fantastic results,” said José Olympio da Veiga Pereira, president of the Fundação Bienal. “The curatorial team was formed following a joint proposal which captivated us for being ambitious and intriguing”, he adds. This curatorial model, without the figure of a chief curator, has previously been adopted by the Bienal in the past for the 1989, 2010 and 2014 editions. “The idea of forming a group with a horizontal relationship was a suggestion by the team of curators and will be an integral part of the project for the 35th Bienal”, concludes José Olympio.