Curators Programme Amsterdam Art Week 2023

Alexandra Laudo

Functie: Independent art curator Land: Spain Bezoekperiode: 31 mei - 04 juni Bezoekjaar: 2023 Onderdeel van Curators Programme Amsterdam Art Week 2023

Photo: Albert Alcoz

Alexandra has worked on issues related to narration, storytelling, and the intersection spaces between visual arts and literature; the social construction of time and the experience of temporality; the history of the gaze, oculocentrism and the relationships between technology and the ways of seeing; the use of darkness, opacity and other strategies of resistance to the image in curatorial and artistic practice; and, more recently, the 24/7 productivity paradigm in relation to sleep, the consumption of stimulants and new technologies.

In recent years, she has explored the possibility of introducing orality, performativity, and narration into her own curatorial practice, producing hybrid projects, situated between literary essay, criticism, and curating, that she has presented at various theaters, performing arts festivals and art venues in Europe, such as Teatre Lliure (Barcelona), Festival Salmon (Barcelona), Festival Loop (Barcelona), Collective (Edinburgh), Malongen – Nordiska Konstförbundet (Stockholm), Nowy Teatr (Warsaw), A Matter of (In)digestions – La Cocina (Amsterdam), and Amsterdam Ar Weekend, among others.

She has carried out curatorial projects in collaboration with institutions such as La Capella, CaixaForum, the Fundació Miró, La Panera, and the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, among many others, and also with in international art centers such as Collective (Edinburgh), L’Iselp (Brussels), Nordiska Konstförbundet, Iaspis or Index Foundation (all three in Sweden). She has collaborated with various art festivals and artistic programs, and has been an assistant curator and advisor to institutions such as Fabra i Coats-Fàbrica de Creació, Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Center d’Art La Capella, Sant Andreu Contemporani, Sala d’Art Jove or Festival Loop. She has also edited art publications and has published numerous theoretical and artistic texts in specialized media and books.

She has been awarded with the GAC Curatorial Award for the exhibition Una certa foscor (“A certain darkness”, CaixaForum, 2019), and the ACCA Curatorial Award for the exhibition Història de les mans (History of the hands, Dipuació de Barcelona and Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, 2023).