Artist’s Fee

Are you organising an exhibition as a visual arts institution and would you like a contribution towards the costs of the artist’s fee? And do you apply the guideline for artists’ fees? You may be eligible for an Artist’s Fee grant.

The Mondriaan Fund has received a budget from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) to temporarily continue the Artist’s Fee grant in 2023 and 2024. In addition, OCW has made additional budget available for the implementation of fair pay in the period 2025-2028. This also means that the Artist’s Fee grant can be extended.

For whom

The grant is intended for visual art institutions that exhibit contemporary visual art and/or heritage by artists from home or abroad without a sales purpose.

For what?

To cover the costs of the artist's fee: the compensation paid to the artist for work on an exhibition.

How much?

We determine the amount of the contribution per application.


Please check this list carefully before you start your application.

Who preceded you?

View granted applications for this grant.

Start your application

Do you meet the conditions and did you go through the checklist?

Who is eligible?

The grant is intended for visual art institutions that exhibit contemporary visual art and/or heritage by artists from home or abroad without a sales purpose.

With this grant, the Mondriaan Fund wants to encourage visual arts institutions to apply the artist fees guideline.

The guideline is part of the Fair Practice Code for fair remuneration. Subscribing to the code is a condition for support for all cultural institutions from 2021. The same applies to the Culture Governance Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code.

For what?

This grant is intended to cover the costs of the artist’s fee: the compensation paid to the artist for work on an exhibition. This does not concern reimbursement of expenses, such as material costs, production costs, transport costs and travel costs.

The fee according to the artist fee guideline includes the following partial services:

  1. Producing new work and/or adapting existing work (labour);
  2. Activities (labour) in connection with the production of work for a presentation, such as construction, maintenance and dismantling of an exhibition;
  3. Activities for an event or presentation (labour), such as providing a lecture or workshop by the artist;
  4. Providing work owned by the artist for a presentation (use).

How much?

We determine the amount of the contribution per application. A contribution will be provided if the amount of the fee is at least 100% of the remuneration stated in the guideline. The maximum contribution is 50% of the standard amount (excluding VAT) in the Guideline for the Artist’s Fee.

Please note: The Artists’ Fees Guideline was reassessed in 2023 and can be consulted at This revised guideline will apply to exhibitions from January 1, 2025.

The revised guideline provides a minimum compensation based on 6 factors, namely:

  1. The category of work: new, existing or modified work;
  2. The number of participating artists;
  3. The duration of the presentation;
  4. The size of the organisation (small, medium, and large);
  5. The artist’s commitment to additional artistic-content work (such as lectures, tours and curatorship);
  6. The artist’s efforts in construction, maintenance and dismantling.
Guideline for the Artist’s Fee

How and when to apply?

You can submit an application through the Mondriaan Fund’s online application system until the budget for the grant has been exhausted. On the website you can request an account, which you need in order to submit an application. Please take into account a processing period of 2 months from the moment the application has been fully submitted. A grant cannot be awarded retroactively.

This explanation is based on the Artist’s Fee partial grant (in Dutch).

Terms and Conditions

A grant is provided

  • If the applicant is a publicly accessible visual arts institution established in the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom whose core activity is to exhibit contemporary visual art and/or heritage without a sales objective.
  • If the visual arts institution applies the guideline for artists’ fees and signs an agreement to this effect, and also has it signed by the artist(s). From January 1, 2025, the revised artist fees guideline applies:
  • When the artist receiving the fee has at least a bachelor’s degree in visual arts or has worked as a professional visual artist for 3 years or more.
  • If the amount of the fee is at least equal to the amount proposed in the guideline.
  • When the application has been submitted at least 2 months before the start of the exhibition.
  • When the exhibition opens to the public within 12 months of submitting the application.
  • When you pay the invoices of the visual artist(s) within 1 month of the invoice date.
  • Applicants subscribe to the Fair Practice Code (in Dutch), Culture Governance Code (in Dutch)  and the Diversity & Inclusion Code (in Dutch).
  • An application for a contribution of less than €100 will not be processed.

For activities taking place in 2025-2028, no contribution can be made to:

  • Institutions that receive multi-year support under the Art Platform Programmes 2025-2028 grant;
  • Institutions that will receive multi-year support in 2025-2028 from one of the other National Culture Funds;
  • Institutions that are part of the basic cultural infrastructure 2025-2028 (bis), with the exception of regional museums, provided that they do not already receive a subsidy for the relevant activities under the Regulation on specific cultural policy;
  • Institutions that are supported on the basis of the National Collection Management and Subsidies for Museum Institutions Regulations;
  • Institutions that otherwise receive funds for fair pay from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.


The submitted application and attachments will be checked for completeness by employees of the Mondriaan Fund. If this is approved, employees will assess whether a visual arts institution applies the guideline and in what way. The application will not be assessed for its content.

An Artist’s Fee grant can only be awarded if the application meets all the stated provisions.

Unfortunately, due to a limited budget, we may not be able to honour all positively assessed applications. The fund office will rank the positive recommendations in order of receiving them. This means that it may happen that an application has been assessed positively, but you unfortunately receive no or a lower contribution.


In order to process your application, the Mondriaan Fund needs information: data that you can enter in the application form plus documents that you can upload. Here you will find a checklist that follows the layout of the application form.

Tip: Collect the information before you start filling out the online application form. You can upload the attachments as PDFs. Please note: make sure that your documents meet the stated conditions. Otherwise we will unfortunately not be able to process your request. Do not exceed the number of pages where a maximum is indicated.

Ticked all the boxes? Start your application!

My Fund

Questions & contact

If you have a question please reach out to a contact person of this grant.

Or call to 020 523 15 23 or send an e-mail to vasb@zbaqevnnasbaqf.ay

Tessa Ebbers