International Art Presentation

Are you an artist and are you going to present your work abroad? Or do you, as an internationally recognised art institution, want to show contemporary art from the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom abroad, possibly in combination with new work to be made? You may be eligible for an International Art Presentation contribution.

For whom

For artists from the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom or foreign institutions.

For what

Costs that increase the visibility of the work and for the production of new work.

How much

Dependant on the type of costs.


Please check this list carefully before you start your application.

Start your application

Do you meet the conditions and did you go through the checklist?

Who is eligible?

Artists who are artistically active in the visual arts and in that capacity are embedded in the professional contemporary visual arts practice in the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Maarten and Sint Eustatius) who want to present work abroad, or internationally recognised art institutions outside the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom that want to show current work by living visual artists from the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom can receive a contribution.

With International Art Presentation, the Mondriaan Fund stimulates the knowledge and international appreciation of relevant contemporary visual art from the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, so that the international position of visual artists from the Netherlands and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom is strengthened.

For what?

  • Costs that enhance the visibility of the work and are not otherwise in the regular budget of a presentation. This can include a guest curator, travel and lodging expenses for participating artists and/or (guest) curator, transport and related insurance costs, production costs and/or translation costs;
  • Costs for the production of new work.

International institutions and individual artists can apply for the Art Presentation International grant. Individuals can only submit applications for personal expenses. It is also possible to apply together with other artists, although the application must involve a joint plan that leads to a shared result. In the case of a joint exhibition, all participants are required to submit a separate application form.



How much?

  • Travel costs (return) for the artist(s) and/or (guest) curator for a single production trip and a single trip to be present at the opening of the presentation;
  • A maximum of € 1000 per person for the participating artists and/or guest curators from the Netherlands and/or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom, towards lodging;
  • Transport and insurance expenses during transport of the work being presented;
  • A maximum of 50% of the production costs of new (site-specific) work commissioned by the non-Dutch art institution;
  • A maximum of 25% of costs of the publication associated with the presentation;
  • A maximum of 50% of the translation costs of subtitling a film.

When and how to apply?

Applications can be submitted at any time of the year, using our online application system. You will require an account before you can submit an application. If you do not already have an account, please apply for one on this website. Keep in mind that a 3-month period is required for processing the applications. No grants are awarded retrospectively.

This grant is based on the deelregeling Kunst Presentatie Internationaal, as published in the Staatscourant.

Apply now

Terms and conditions


The submitted application and attachments will be checked for completeness by employees of the Mondriaan Fund. If this is approved, the application will be submitted to the members of the committee that advises on awarding an International Art Presentation contribution.

An International Art Presentation contribution can only be awarded if the advisory committee gives a positive recommendation. If the recommendation is positive, the advisory committee can make a suggestion about the amount of the contribution and the period over which it will be provided.

Unfortunately, due to a limited budget, the Mondriaan Fund cannot always honour all positive recommendations. In that case, the board of the Mondriaan Fund asks the advisory committee to rank the positive recommendations in order of priority. This means that it is possible for an application to be positively assessed, but that no contribution is awarded.

What happens to my application?


To process your application, the Mondriaan Fund needs information. All of this information can be submitted in the application form itself, along with documentation that you can upload. Here below is a checklist that follows the layout of the application form and contains all the information required.

Tip: collect all your information before you start filling out the online application form. Your attachments should be uploaded as PDFs. Please note: make sure that your documents meet the stated conditions. Otherwise, we will unfortunately not be able to process your request. Do not exceed the number of pages where a maximum is indicated.

Ticked all the boxes? Start your application!

My Fund

Questions & contact

If you have a question please reach out to the contact person of this grant.

Or call to 020 523 15 23 or send an e-mail to vasb@zbaqevnnasbaqf.ay

Veysel Yuce

Fenna Lampe

Heleen de Hoog