For whom
Museums and other heritage institutions, including archives, with a public and presentation function located in the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
With the Co-creation Voucher, the Mondriaan Fund encourages the development of presentations and activities through co-creation, which strengthens the audience’s involvement in historical stories. These are stories that belong to the national history of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
For what
For the co-creation trajectory in developing presentations and activities to stimulate audience involvement in historical stories. These are stories that belong to the national history of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The presentations or activities are created through equal collaboration with involved communities, whereby everyone has an equal influence on the content, the results and the process. This shared ownership creates more support for and more knowledge about the historical stories among the public. The voucher can only be used to cover the costs of the co-creation process, such as organising meetings, compensating the parties and communities involved and hiring a project leader, expert or confidential counsellor.
In addition to a Co-creation Voucher, a contribution can also be requested for other project costs through the Art Heritage Presentation, Heritage Innovation, Art Commission, Collection Mobility, Purchases or Artist’s Fee grants; provided that the project meets the conditions of these regulations.
How much?
A maximum of € 24,000 per project. A total budget of €450,000 is available for the Vouchers Co-creation.
How and when to apply
Applications may be submitted at any time of the year, provided sufficient budget remains. You will require an account in order to submit an application. New accounts can be requested on the website. Applications will be accepted a maximum of 4 months and a minimum of 5 weeks before the commencement date of the plan. We aim to process all applications within 5 weeks, although the procedure can sometimes take longer. In no cases will a contribution be granted in retroaction.
- A voucher can be requested by a museum or other non-profit heritage institution with a public and presentation function. Archives with a presentation function can also request the voucher. The institution must be located in the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom.
- The application shows that it concerns a co-creation trajectory through which a presentation or activity is developed about one or more historical stories on the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
- The application shows that this is a co-creation process, highlighting the perspective of the communities involved. There must be equal cooperation and control over content, results and the process.
- The voucher can only be used to cover the costs of the co-creation process, such as organising meetings, compensating the parties and communities involved and hiring a project leader, expert or confidential counsellor. It is not possible to apply for presentation costs.
- The budget includes financial compensation for the communities involved.
- Volunteer allowance costs are also included.
- If an artist is involved in the plans, a realistic fee for the artist is mandatory and this must be included in the budget. The fee is paid by the applicant in accordance with the guideline for artist fees. Use the amounts from the fair pay Rate Table 2023. You can download this here. Check here whether you can apply for a contribution towards the costs of the artist’s fee under the Artist’s Fee grant.
- Institutions endorse the Fair Practice Code, the Culture Governance Code and the Diversity & Inclusion Code (Dutch only).
- If the project is aimed at acquiring or deaccessioning collections, the Guideline for Deaccessioning Museum Objects (LAMO) must be followed as much as possible and, where possible, the value-setting framework of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands. We request proof of registration in the museum register. If the institution is not registered in the Museum Register, we request a statement signed by the board that the institution follows the provisions of the Heritage Act and the LAMO when disposing of objects. This PDF (Dutch only) must be downloaded and signed. An alternative explanation regarding the deaccessioning of collections is available for applicants in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. Please contact one of the contact persons for this voucher.
The submitted application and appendices will be checked for completeness. A simplified procedure is used for the Voucher Co-creation.
Fund Agency Assessment
In the 3 years prior to the application for the Co-creation Voucher, have you received a grant for an application for one of the Mondriaan Fund institutional grants* listed below? Fund staff will then assess whether the application meets the conditions. If so, the application can be granted, provided the budget has not been exhausted.
Advisory committee assessment
Is this your first application to the Mondriaan Fund, or have you not received a grant in the past 3 years for an application to one of the Mondriaan Fund institutional grants* listed below? Your application will then be assessed against the conditions and submitted to the Voucher Co-creation committee.
This advisory committee assesses whether the role of the institution is important for contemporary visual arts or cultural heritage in the Netherlands or the Caribbean part of the Kingdom. A Co-creation Voucher can only be granted if the application meets the conditions and if the committee has a positive assessment, provided that the budget has not been exhausted.
Unfortunately, due to a limited budget, we may not be able to honour all requests that meet the conditions and criteria. The fund agency will rank the positively assessed applications in order of receiving. This is calculated from the moment the complete application is received. This means that it is possible for an application to have been assessed positively, but you unfortunately may not receive a contribution, or you will receive a lower contribution.
*Please note, this concerns the following institutional arrangements: Acquisitions, Protected Cultural Heritage, Collection Mobility, Heritage Innovation, International Collaborative Projects with Heritage Institutions, Art Heritage Presentation, Restoration of Mobile Heritage, Collection Programmes, Commemoration of the History of Slavery, Art Heritage Presentation Caribbean, Heritage Starters, Open Call Commemoration Year of the History of Slavery, Heritage volunteers.
In order to process your application, the Mondriaan Fund requires various information: details that you can enter in the application form and documents that you can upload. Below is a checklist outlining all of the required information, following the layout of the application form.
Tip: gather all of the required information before you start completing the online application form. Appendices can be uploaded as PDFs. Please ensure that your documents satisfy the stated requirements, otherwise we may not be able to process your application. Ensure you do not exceed the maximum number of pages, where stated.